Thursday, May 24, 2012

It's Over! All Moved Out!!

Today was my last day at school in Clayton County. It was quite uneventful. I watched a movie and played games with colleagues.

I finished packing and cleaning out my room on Monday and Tuesday so it was a relaxing day.

I thought I would be more emotional than I was. But the day just went by. There was a meeting at 2pm where Dr. Cloud, the principal, went over bus schedules for next year and accolades for those who had done a great job this year. She wished me well and told everyone that she would go too but there is an age limit and she is over the limit. Everyone got a great chuckle out of that! She has been a great administrator and extremely supportive of my desire to teach abroad. I have been blessed to work for her this year.

Oh, and by the way, there is NO room left in the storage unit!!!


  1. I did get emotional!!!! I just didn't let you see it! I will miss you so much next year! It was such a pleasure working with you and getting to know you better. I enjoyed watching movies and playing cards with you on the last day of post-planning. I am excited about your journey BUT will miss you bunches!!!!

  2. I could hardly believe it when you told me how long you've been packed up and ready to go! Jenia and I have to pack just about everything. She we've sorted and gotten rid of some stuff, and even packed a box or two, but that's it. I figure we've got plenty of time:)
