Thursday, May 24, 2012

It's Over! All Moved Out!!

Today was my last day at school in Clayton County. It was quite uneventful. I watched a movie and played games with colleagues.

I finished packing and cleaning out my room on Monday and Tuesday so it was a relaxing day.

I thought I would be more emotional than I was. But the day just went by. There was a meeting at 2pm where Dr. Cloud, the principal, went over bus schedules for next year and accolades for those who had done a great job this year. She wished me well and told everyone that she would go too but there is an age limit and she is over the limit. Everyone got a great chuckle out of that! She has been a great administrator and extremely supportive of my desire to teach abroad. I have been blessed to work for her this year.

Oh, and by the way, there is NO room left in the storage unit!!!

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Packing of My Classroom Room – 14 years of collecting

Nope! No time to relax!

Now it is time to clean out my classroom.

My Mom says it would take 3 large moving vans to move from their home (they have been in the same house for 26 years) – that’s the way I felt when I looked around my classroom but I soon realized that I could definitely part with some of the “stuff”.  I started gradually sorting, tossing, giving away and packing.

My colleagues have had a blast going through my stuff and taking what they want. There have been many questions about where I am going and what will I be doing and teaching. I have welcomed each of these questions.

Each afternoon, I load my truck with as many boxes as I can (or that have been packed) and take them to my storage unit. Each box is carefully loaded into the storage room so that if I need it, mom will be able to locate what I need and can send it.

And so the cleaning, packing, sorting and storing continues.