Friday, April 20, 2012

The Race is get documents authenticated!

So, with the job offer signed and returned, it is now time to begin gathering documents and authenticating them so that my visa can be issued.

This process can be daunting in the beginning. But once I started and took each step at a time, it wasn't so bad.

I began with taking my teaching certificate and my diploma to the bank to be notarized. Simple. Easy.
Then I go to the Cobb County Superior Court to have the notary attested. However, the woman there is NOT nice and tells me that it is done wrong and she won't do it. So, I leave mad and frustrated at her RUDENESS!! It was not necessary.
I go back to the bank and explain the issue according to the mean girl. Julie says not to worry. So rather than going back to Cobb County Superior Court, we use a notary that lives in Cherokee County. That way I can go to Cherokee County Superior County. Which worked and the girls there were SUPER nice and accommodating.

Now for my trip downtown to the Secretary of State. Not quite as easy to find as the Cherokee County Superior Court but nonetheless, I find it and the ladies there were awesome! I'm now back on my way home with documents ready to be sent to ProEx.

ProEx is a courier service that works with Teach Away to get documents authenticated by the US Secretary of State and the UAE Embassy. So with a call to Cindy at ProEx, she sends me the form to be completed along with a FedEx label to ship my documents. It was exactly one week from the time I mailed my documents to ProEx until they were back at my door.

The next day mom scans all the documents and I upload them to Ariane and Teach Away so that the visa process can start.

Ahh, now I can just sit back and relax! Right?

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