Thursday, July 19, 2012

Notes from Nirvana

This morning, I took Dad out to the Fountain's house so that he can begin his journey to Montana with Stanley. Jenny was coming over to swim so I decided I would lay down on the couch and go back to sleep. Well, the email notification on my iPhone went off and I checked it. It was the first of three emails I recieved from Nirvana, the travel company that is handling the flights and itinerary for traveling to Abu Dhabi, UAE. At this point, I could not go back to sleep. The excitement began along with thinking of all the things I needed to do, buy and pack for this adventure. So, how did I spend the day???? Sitting by the pool and soaking up the sun. I will handle the rest later!!!!

1 comment:

  1. ENJOY every minute! Family is the greatest blessing of all!!
